Phone Number 01288 190038

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We have the phone number 01288190038 lookup so you can make sure it is not a spam or a cold caller. When you want to check phone number 01288 190038 then we have all the details you will need to see if it is a legitimate caller.

Use our reverse lookup telephone number 01288 190038 so you have peace of mind that you can return that call safely.

Community report for 01288190038

0% Unknown

0 users reported this as unknown.

0% Scam

0 users reported this as scam.

0% Telemarket

0 users reported this as telemarket.

0% Harassment

0 users reported this as harassment.

0% Debt collector

0 users reported this as debt collector.

0% Spam

0 users reported this as spam.

0% Survey

0 users reported this as survey.

0% Positive

0 users reported this as positive.

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Recent comments

AW, 2024-05-10 17:51:23

Number: 07735 888651

Call type: Unknown

Rating: -1

Foreign voice (no introduction of the organisation) put me on hold saying that 'somebody would be with me soon', then I hung up after 30s.

Gina, 2024-05-09 16:00:37

Number: 07388 342297

Call type: Unknown

Rating: 0

Would not leave a voice message

Jamie, 2024-05-09 13:28:02

Number: 07920 690915

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

Recorded message about NI number. Number blocked.

Randall Evans, 2024-05-09 12:55:18

Number: 01223 820402

Call type: Unknown

Rating: 0

called today, didn't leave emssage

Anna, 2024-05-08 13:54:43

Number: 07783 198895

Call type: Unknown

Rating: 5

they hang up as soon as i answered so i dont even know whom was it

UK, 2024-05-08 12:32:09

Number: 07825 135745

Call type: Unknown

Rating: -1

This number called me but could not understand what was being said as line was not clear

Dgs, 2024-05-07 14:29:40

Number: 07393 686426

Call type: Unknown

Rating: -3

Expecting a BT delivery.
Text from 07393 686426 saying they tried to deliver but no one in but this is incorrect as 2 people in. Link provided to redeliver is not a BT link but takes you to a BT looking site that requires name address etc and another page to enter credit card details for £1:45 redelivery fee.

Anon, 2024-05-06 17:07:07

Number: 07955 077289

Call type: Unknown

Rating: 0

Silent call

Scam, 2024-05-04 13:30:16

Number: 07901 799173

Call type: Scam

Rating: -5

Automated answer seeking user input to deduct £900 and £700 from my "visa mastercard".

nemo, 2024-05-02 17:42:12

Number: 07800 007775

Call type: Positive

Rating: 3

This appears to be an automated text from the PATCHS IT system used by many Doctors’ Practices in the UK for booking appointments and repeat prescriptions. PATCHS is run by Spectra Analytics Ltd who share patient data with TELUS Health. Spectra’s privacy policy is here:

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